With the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, many features and functions have changed. One item that may cause a slight inconvenience for partners and customers is the change to the R2 order of dimensions. If you have worked with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 or earlier versions, you are used to a fixed order of dimensions, as shown in the image below:

The order of dimensions has changed in Microsoft Dynamics 2012, as shown in the image below:

For some users, this switch may be annoying. But we can show you a trick to set up the AX 2012 R2 order of dimensions however you like. To change the order, simply open and edit the following link: \Classes\DimensionDefaultingControllerBase.setupEditAreaControls();

It is possible to change the order by deleting “name” (as shown in the image above) and adding your own field. Below you can see how it would look after customization. This order will apply to all forms.

We hope this little trick will improve your working relationship with Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012! :)

Author of the post: our former Senior Dynamics AX Developer Anatoly Koustov.