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The shared responsibility of information security in 1ClickFactory’s self-provisioning for Dynamics NAV / Business Central service

In previous blog post, we introduced the information security management system (ISMS) for self-provisioning for Dynamics NAV/Dynamics 365 Business Central on Azure. We explored and explained 1ClickFactory’s path and approach to ensuring the security of the service and the safeguarding of customer data to our Dynamics Partners. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the nature of cloud services means that the responsibility of information security is shared between all of the parties providing the service, as well as the end customer.

ISMS of Self-Provisioning Service is Now ISO 27001 Certified. What Does it Mean for Our Partners?

One of 1ClickFactory’s top priorities is to always ensure that the Self-Provisioning service is secure by design and that all the processes supporting the service adhere to strong information security controls. However, it wasn’t always easy to explain to different Dynamics Partners and clients how information security is ensured due to different understanding of available technologies and processes. 1ClickFactory decided to get an internationally recognizable information security management certification to help provide more assurance to Dynamics Partners and customers.